This is a C++ implementation of adding time using structures or struct. A structure is a convenient tool for handling a group of logically related data items. Structure help to organize complex data is a more meaningful way. It is powerful concept that we may after need to use in our program Design.

Write a program having a structure named Time which has three integer data items i.e. hour, minute and second. The task is to add the variables of the Time data type though a function
void AddTime(Time *time1, Time *time2)
which takes as arguments the addresses of two Time type variables, adds these variables and stores the result in time2. The function must satisfy the following:

  1. If second exceeds 60 then add 1 in minutes and subtract 60 from seconds.
  2. If minute exceeds 60 then add 1 in hours and subtract 60 from minutes.
  3. If hour exceeds 24 then subtract 24 from hours.

Test this function and print the result in the calling function.

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Output of the C++ Program