Category: Blog

Game Engines Explained

The first, and perhaps most important, is to understand game engines. These development tools are becoming increasingly indispensable in the creation of modern-day digital games and they’re not going unnoticed by players. Today’s gamers are just as clued up on the tech that underpins their favorite titles as they are the content of the game itself — during the build up to the release of the CS:GO sequel one of the most frequent topics of discussion was what engine is CS2 on.

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The Enduring Legacy of C++ in Modern Programming

Discover the timeless relevance of C++ in today’s programming landscape. Originating from the C language, C++ revolutionized software development with its robustness and object-oriented approach. Continuously evolving through standardization, C++ remains a top choice for both learners and professionals, as evidenced by its enduring popularity in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey. With its key features like memory control and innovative additions such as smart pointers and lambda expressions, C++ strikes a balance between low-level hardware control and high-level functionality.

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The Diverse Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Image, Video, and Music Synthesis

As the most powerful type of AI, generative AI will soon penetrate every aspect of our lives, creating content, writing songs, and producing fantastic images and videos, thus altering our daily routine, making it more unpredictable and evoking passion for work and creativity. And it’s the latter we’d like to touch upon, among other well-known facts about AI.

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Incorporating Cutting-Edge Graphics Technologies in AAA Game Development Using C++

Graphics is an integral part of any AAA game. The ability to deliver a realistic and immersive graphics experience is what can make or break a game, especially in the age of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Graphics technologies play a huge role in creating this immersive environment. As the demand for better graphics increases, game developers are adopting cutting-edge innovations in graphics technology.

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How to choose the right managed DevOps service provider

When it comes to DevOps, there’s a lot of hype. But what does it mean for your organization? More importantly, how can you make sure that the DevOps service provider you choose is the right one for your unique needs? Here are some quick tips on how to find the best partner for your organization:

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What is the right API for your Project, GraphQL or REST?

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are like the building blocks of modern software and web applications. They allow different parts of a program to talk to each other. In this article, we’re going to talk about two popular types of APIs: REST and GraphQL. These are different ways of designing APIs, and choosing the right one is a big deal for any software project.

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Improve User Experience with Custom JavaScript Form Inputs

When we talk about custom form inputs, we are referring to those interactive elements on a web page where users input information. This includes text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown menus. But what makes them “custom”? Unlike standard HTML form elements, custom form inputs are designed and styled to match the specific look and feel of a website or application. They go beyond the default appearance and functionality by offering a unique and tailored user experience.

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What are the Caching Techniques in JavaScript?

Caching is crucial in web development because it helps make your favorite websites load faster. When you visit a website, it stores parts of the site on your computer or phone. The next time you visit, your device can quickly pull these stored parts, and the site loads way faster. This makes for a smoother and more enjoyable experience for users.

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