There are total 56 c/c++ source code files, with 728,384 hits in total.

Displaying 16 to 30 of 56 files.

  Object-Oriented Programming - C++ Lecture Notes
» 147.0 KiB - 15,518 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
The Basic Ideas of OOP, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Multiple Inheritance.

  Classes - C++ Lecture Notes
» 503.4 KiB - 13,914 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
Class declaration, instances, accessing fields, passing as parameters and constructors.

  Pointers - C++ Lecture Notes
» 136.9 KiB - 11,901 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
Pointers and their Behavior, declaration and syntax.

  Arrays and Strings - C++ Lecture Notes
» 105.5 KiB - 13,216 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
Basic use of arrays and strings.

  Functions - C++ Lecture Notes
» 459.7 KiB - 15,567 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
Basic use of functions, declaration, arguments, return values and function overloading.

  Flow of control - C++ Lecture Notes
» 127.6 KiB - 15,568 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
Description of Control structures and Nested Control Structures.

  Introduction - C++ Lecture Notes
» 111.9 KiB - 35,073 hits - Last Update: May 30, 2015
An introduction to C++ and hello world program, basic language features and variables.

  Binary Trees
» 49.7 KiB - 15,746 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
Stanford CS Education Library: introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. Binary trees have an elegant recursive pointer structure, so they are a good way to learn recursive pointer algorithms.

  256-bit Serpent VB Implementation
» 6.8 KiB - 4,750 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
This is an extremely slow but working Visual Basic implementation of the 256-bit Serpent algorithm. Since Visual Basic is bogged down by memory problems and lacks the power that C provides, high level speeds for this algorithm may never be achieved in VB.

  Arrays as Data Structure
» 2.2 KiB - 10,404 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
This is C and C++ source code to demonstrate the use of Arrays as data structure. Program contains four different C/C++ files which includes single and multidimensional arrays.

  Great Librarian
» 34.0 KiB - 20,709 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
A C source code dy which a librarian can operate his library more fast without any resistration book.

  Tic Tac Toe Game
» 17.2 KiB - 4,008 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
Basic version of Tic Tac Toe Game

  Snake Game
» 18.8 KiB - 62,237 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
This program simulates the game "snake". A string of characters moves on the screen according to arrow keys pressed by user. If it touches itself or screen boundary, the program terminates. When the snake moves, in arbitrary screen positions some digit (1-9) appears.

  DirectDraw Sample Program
» 18.1 KiB - 11,049 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
This is a very simple DirectDraw sample.

  Sort Huge amount of data
» 20.0 KiB - 4,676 hits - Last Update: May 15, 2010
The bigsort routine implements a way to sort huge amounts of data that do not fit into main memory by using a multi-phase sorting on files. It is a implementation from the book “Algorithms and data structures” by Niklaus Wirth. Additionally, this routine recognizes small amounts of data that do fit into memory and resorts to a in-place quicksort.

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