Tag: Object Oriented Programming

Polymorphism in C++

Simply speaking, polymorphism is the ability of something to be displayed in multiple forms. Let’s take a real life scenario; a person at the same time can perform several duties as per demand, in the particular scenario. Such as, a man at a same time can serve as a father, as a husband, as a son, and as an employee. So, single person possess different behaviors in respective situations. This is the real life example of polymorphism. Polymorphism is one of the important features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

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Object Oriented Programming Techniques

Any program which uses these five methodologies or any of it, we can call that program object oriented. They are Encapsulation, Data Hiding, Overloading, Polymorphism, Inheritance. Any programming language which supports all of these features and facilitate the programmer in developing the program in these methodologies is called Object Oriented Programming Language i.e. C++, Java, C#.

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Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

For a programming language to be considered Object-Oriented, it must support the concept of objects (abstract data types), inheritance, and polymorphism. In simple terms, OOP allows you to model your code after real-world entities, making it more intuitive and efficient. As you delve into C++ and its OOP features, keep in mind that the goal is to create programs that are not only functional but also easy to understand, maintain, and reuse.

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Mothers Day Gift Ideas