The author of the book shows you how The Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) works, His quality advice will help you to build reliable and high quality WPF applications more quickly and quite easily. There is a comprehensive discussion on relationship of WPF with other windows elements like WinFX and .NET 4.5 Framework.

Microsoft’s Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) presents a development framework for designing high-quality user experiences (UX) for Windows. It combines rich content from various sources and allows special access to your Windows computer’s processing power.

WPFs functionality extends to support for Tablet PCs and other forms of input device, and provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline, accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data–driven UI and visualization, as well as the integration points for weaving the application experience into the Windows shell.

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The author does a very good job of covering all the topics mentioned in the table of contents. Examples, code & explanations were in general well defined & explained. In addition, frequent tips, whether exceptions to the rule, alternative approaches or clarification of when to best use, helped to give a complete coverage of a topic.

I have the printed book & did pick up a few errors (eg. a few typos & a duplicate paragraph-p708), however there were not enough to distract me. I wonder if the kindle version has a lot more due to technical conversion issues.

I haven’t tried the downloaded code yet, so I can’t comment on how well they run. If someone has the time to follow the code whilst reading the book, I’m sure they will have a good knowledge base to write WPF applications with confidence.

Recommended for anyone willing to commit to delve into WPF.

Click to View Pro WPF 4.5 in C#: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4.5