Category: C#, ASP.NET Core and .NET Applications Code

C# Program to Validate Email Address

This is a simple C# .NET Program to validate email address. The ValildateEmail() function checks for a valid email and returns true if the email address is a valid email otherwise it returns false if the email address is not proper syntax. The code is well commented and should explain what is happening .

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Capitalize Sentences and Words – C# Programming Examples

In C# programming, text manipulation is essential for creating clean and readable content. Whether you’re dealing with user input, processing text files, or enhancing the presentation of your application, understanding how to capitalize sentences and words plays a crucial role.

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Generating Controlled Random Numbers in C#

Generating random numbers is a fundamental requirement in various programming scenarios, from creating dynamic content to simulating unpredictable events. In C#, the System.Random class provides a versatile solution for generating random values. In this article, are going to explore the basics of random number generation in C# and write practical examples that showcase its applications.

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Exporting PowerPoint Slides to Images in C#

This is a very simple Visual Basic source code to export all the slides from a PowerPoint presentation. This source code can export images in any specified image format like .jpg, .bmp or .gif. I wrote this function while I was working on my undergraduate project “PowerPoint to XML Interchangeability”. I had to make some sort of PowerPoint Viewer to view the slides so I wrote this function to export PowerPoint slides into image sequences so that I can display them into an image control and export the images at a temporary location.

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The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python
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