Author: M. Saqib

ICMP Ping Program in C

This sample illustrates how an ICMP ping app can be written using the SOCK_RAW socket type and IPPROTO_ICMP protocol. By creating a raw socket, the underlying layer does not change the protocol header so that when we submit the ICMP header nothing is changed so that the receiving end will see an ICMP packet. Additionally, we use the record route IP option to get a round trip path to the endpoint. Note that the size of the IP option header that records the route is limited to nine IP addresses.

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graphics: graphics.h Header File

This is the graphics.h header file which contains all the graphics functions and their implementations. It is quite nice to have a look at header files just to know more about functions and their parameters. Also it tells about different structures, enums defined in the file for specific purpose.

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PC to PC Communication in C

This is a C program to demonstrate PC to PC Communication via RS232 port. Chat with only 3-wire connection. This program is tested with Turbo C++ editor Version 3.0. How ever, authors are not responsible for any damages that may happen to your computer. Please contact us if any problem exits.

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Find the longest common sub-sequence between two strings: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

This C program finds the longest common sub-sequence between two strings. It implements the most famous dynamic programming algorithm. Dynamic programming is a computational technique used to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems and solving each subproblem only once, storing the solution to each subproblem and using it to solve larger problems.

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Mothers Day Gift Ideas