Home Forums C Programming coin toss Re: Re: coin toss


heres a simpler version ( no driver function ). Seems to work fine – needs to be tested….

* File Name : c:programshelppermutations.cpp
* Date : August,1,2002
* Comments : new project
* Compiler/Assembler :
* Program Shell Generated At: 5:59:12 p.m.

#include < iostream >
//#include < string.h >
//#include < conio.h >
//#include < math.h >
//#include < iomanip >
//#include < ctype.h >

using namespace std;

//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FUNCTION PROTOTYPES @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

void coinPermutations ( int flips , char * permutations );


//main function ******************************

int main ( )
int numberOfFlips;

cout << "enter number of flips: ";
cin >> numberOfFlips;
cout << "permutations: " << endl;
char * permutations = new char [ numberOfFlips + 1 ];
permutations [ numberOfFlips ] = 0;
coinPermutations ( numberOfFlips – 1 , permutations );
delete [] permutations;

return 0 ;

/******************************* FUNCTION DEFINITION ******************************

Name : coinPermutatins
Parameters :

face a(n) char

Returns: Void type

void coinPermutations ( int flips , char * permutations )

if ( flips == 0 )
permutations [ flips ] = ‘t’;
cout << permutations << endl;
permutations [ flips ] = ‘h’;
cout << permutations << endl;

permutations [ flips ] = ‘t’;
coinPermutations ( flips – 1 , permutations ) ;
permutations [ flips ] = ‘h’;
coinPermutations ( flips – 1 , permutations );
