Month: October 2020

ORX – Portable 2D Game Engine

ORX is a cross platform, open source, portable, 2D oriented game engine developed by ORX Projects. This game engine is written in C/C++. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and IOS. Most stable version of ORX is released In May 10, 2020. ORX is published under a free software license called ZLIB license.

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iPhone 12 vs. iPhone 11

In view of the rumors we’ve heard up until now, here’s the manner by which the iPhone 12 will contrast with the iPhone 11 – and on the off chance that you should upgrade.

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OpenClonk 2D Rendering Engine

OpenClonk is a multi-platform, open source game engine, developed by OpenClonk Developers in 2010. OpenClonk is not just a flexible 2D scene game engine but it is also a game. OpenClonk engine is licensed under ISC License and the game content is licensed under the CC BY-SA, CC BY and CCO. OpenClonk is written in C++. It developed games for multiple operating systems which are Windows, Linux and OS X.

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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Rewriting DNA

The current year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to two scientists who changed a dark bacterial immune mechanism, generally called CRISPR, into an apparatus that can just and efficiently alter the genomes of everything from wheat to mosquitoes to people.

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