C++ Programming

Shark 3D Game Engine

Shark 3D Game Engine

Shark 3-D is a versatile software program and game engine launched by Spinor to create interactive virtual 3D worlds. This game engine uses Python and…

RedENGINE Game Development Engine

RedEngine is another leading game development engine which itself is developed using C++ programming language. It is a project of CD Projekt and famous for…

Real Virtuality Game Engine

Real Virtuality is one of the leading game engines developed in C++. One of the most interesting facts about the Real Virtuality gaming engine is…

Easy ways to cope with C/C++ Assignment

C++ is one of the fastest, most reputable and effective languages in the programming world. In this article, you will learn about the top mistakes…

Qfusion 3D Open Source Game Engine

Qfusion is a 3D game engine. The project was begun by Victor Luchitz alongside a few others. It is written in C for use on…

The Pyrogenesis RTS and 3D Game Engine

Pyrogenesis is an open-source, multi-platform 3D engine for Real-Time Strategy games. It was developed by WildFire Games in 2001. It is written in C++ and…

C++ Code – Wave File Converter from Text File

This C++ program is capable of turning a text file describing the notes of a piece of music into an audio file (.wav). The program…

Vigenere Encryption and Decryption in C++

The Vigenere cipher is a method of encrypting or decrypting alphabetic text by using a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers (Caesar Shift), based on the…