Tag: Graphics

Importance of Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

It’s a proven fact that there is a direct correlation between effective and efficient design and business growth. Some marketing experts go so far as to say that relevant graphic design serves as the cornerstone of any brand. If you still are not convinced, let’s have a more detailed look on benefits it can offer in terms of running a high-performance digital marketing campaign.

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C Program of Library Management System

This is a C program to implement Library Management System by which a librarian can operate a simple library. It uses Linked List, Stack and Pointers to implement different features of the library system. The program also uses struct data structure to add records in the library.

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Profit/Loss Calculator

This is a small utility written in C Programming Language to calculate the net income by checking a person’s salary and monthly expenses. On the basis of this information it calculates the loss or profit. It has a nice graphical User Interface with different formats to show the information i.e. Pie Chart: Shows the information in Pie chart with different colors for salary, expenses and net income. Tabular: Show all the information in tabular form. Bar Graph: Shows the information in Bar Graph with different colors for salary, expenses and net income.

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Scientific Calculator Program

This graphical scientific calculator purely written in C programming language. It uses small functions to draw buttons on the screen and perform scientific operations like conversion, logarithm, and other operations. Every operation can be performed using the mouse buttons as well as keyboard. It can perform almost all the functions shown on the screen except few functions which will be implemented in the next version of this calculator code.

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Simple Image Viewer in Java with Swing

This Java program is a simple image viewer application designed for novice Java programmers. The program utilizes the Swing library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) with a JFrame, JPanel, and JButton components. The main functionality of the Java program is to select an image file through a JFileChooser dialog, load the selected image and display it within the JPanel.

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Graphics in C Language

In a C program, first step is to initialize the graphics drivers on the computer. This is done using the initgraph() method provided in graphics.h  library. In the next few pages we will discuss graphics.h library in more details. Important functions in graphic.h  library will be discussed in details and samples programs will be provided to show the power of C programming language especially for graphic programming developing graphical user interfaces.

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Bank Management Program

This is an automated software system written in C programming language for Bank Management which can handle accounts for customers. It uses files to handle the daily transactions, account management and user management. Its not a complete accounting software just like implemented in the banks, but still it can manage the accounts of the customers using the files at back end. It has a nice graphical layout written in C Language.

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Data Structures and Algorithms Python: The Complete Bootcamp
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