File Handling

C++ Code – Wave File Converter from Text File

C++ Code – Wave File Converter from Text File

This C++ program is capable of turning a text file describing the notes of a piece of music into an audio file (.wav). The program…

File Handling in C++

In C++, files are referred to as flow of streams (data) into and out of programs. Streams are basis data type to handle all input…

Counting Words, Lines and Characters in a Text File in C

This is a small C language program that can read a text file. The program is given file name as command parameter and it reads…

How to parse the contents of an XML file using PHP?

This is simple PHP script to show the contents of an XML file on html page. The script uses PHP XML parser to traverse through…

Find Words Frequency in a Text File using Java

The program demonstrates sorting techniques by sorting a list of words based on their frequency count. Novice programmers can learn about basic file handling, data…

Streamlining File Input and Output in C++: The Use of Streams with Files

File input and output operations are essential to many C++ programs, but they can be cumbersome and difficult to manage. Fortunately, C++ provides a powerful…

C Programming: File Listing Utility – Directory Structure

The C program is a file listing utility that displays information about files in a specified directory. It uses command line arguments to display the…

Copying One File to another in C

This is a simple C program that copies the contents of one file onto another file. It is similar to Unix's cp  command. This C…