Data Structure

Stack Implementation in C

Stack Implementation in C

This is a C program that simulates stack operations graphically and in text mode. The program uses linked list to implement stack operations. Stack is…

Bayer Tree implementation in C

This is implementation of Bayer-Trees, which are normally used for indices of data bases. These routines provide all stuff that is needed to create and…

Fundamentals of data structures

This introduction to the fundamentals of data structures explores abstract concepts, considers how those concepts are useful in problem solving, explains how the abstractions can…

Data Structure Library

Ubiqx is a collection of ANSI C compatible modules for implementing linked lists, binary trees, caching and spare arrays. The goal of the ubiqx project…

Sort Huge amount of data using C Programming Language

The big sort routine implements a way to sort huge amounts of data using C programming language. It sorts the data that do not fit…

Process Binary Trees – Java

This program demonstrates a few routines for processing binary sort trees. It uses a binary sort tree of strings. The user types in strings. The…

Using Templates to implement Stack

In this post we are going to write C++ program to implement stack data structure using Templates in C++. Stack is an abstract data type…

Linked List Demo

This is a C Program to perform list traversal operation using linked list. This C program to show the basic functions of linked list such…