Technology: Trending Technology and Computer News

Why Is It Difficult to Control Data Online?

Why Is It Difficult to Control Data Online?

In the internet world, users should own their data and everything that goes with it. However, certain obstacles prevent the world from moving in such…

How to Keep Data Safe when Moving

Are you planning to move your company from one office to another? Whether you are moving to a bigger space or upgrading to a penthouse,…

Tips to Improve Data Security

Data security is more important than ever in this day and age. To help you improve your data security, here are some practical steps from…

Is becoming a Bitcoin Millionaire a dream or possibility?

Do you have dreams of becoming a Bitcoin millionaire some day? If so, you are not alone. That is a dream that most investors share…

Cryptocurrency Market Standardization in 2021

The cryptocurrency markets are once again in full throttle, as investors from all backgrounds purchase Bitcoin. Why is this suddenly happening? The reasons are many…

Knowledge: How to validate JSON data return is valid?

There are several scenarios where we need different types of JSON validation. In this article, we will cover the following. Here, we will have a…

World’s Largest Wind-Powered Vessel

Sweden’s new car carrier is the world’s largest wind-powered vessel. Oceanbird may resemble a ship of things to come, yet it beholds back to antiquated…

The K60 RGB Pro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Introduced by Corsair

Corsair has delivered its most up to date PC gaming keyboard, which has been named K60 RGB Pro; this keyboard has been worked for both…

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Rewriting DNA

The current year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to two scientists who changed a dark bacterial immune mechanism, generally called CRISPR, into an…

Global PC shipments reach 79 million units – highest in 10 years

Due to strong PC demand and recovery from COVID-19 related disruptions, the global PC market grew 13% in the third quarter of 2020 compared with…