Web Design & Development

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide

When static HTML pages no longer cut it, you need to step up to dynamic, database-driven sites that represent the future of the Web. In…

Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to ProfessionalAccountants to Homes, Schools, and Jobs

This comprehensive book introduces two of the most popular Web application building technologies on the planet: PHP scripting language and MySQL database server. This book…

Core Java(TM) 2, Volume I–Fundamentals (7th Edition) (Core Java 2)

Horstmann (San Jose State University) introduces Java's syntax language, the object-oriented concepts of encapsulation and inheritance, the event model of the abstract window toolkit, the…

Core Java(TM) 2, Volume II–Advanced Features (7th Edition)

The seventh edition of Core Java(TM) 2, Volume II, covers advanced user-interface programming and the enterprise features of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE?).…

Linux Apache Web Server Administration, Second Edition (Craig Hunt Linux Library)

Apache continues to be the leading open source web server in the industry, and Sybex has the information you need with a revised edition of…

PHP and MySQL Web Development (5th Edition) (Developer’s Library)

PHP and MySQL are modern open-source software that is the perfect tool for producing database-driven Web applications on the fly. PHP is a great web…

PHP for the World Wide Web Visual Quickstart Guide

Designed for developers, this guide and reference covers the key concepts of PHP and explains the features of PHP version 4.04. Beginning with a basic…

Beginning ASP Databases

In Beginning ASP Databases, a trio of authors covers the basics of working with databases from ASP--especially using ActiveX Database Objects (ADO). The book is…

ASP in a Nutshell

The second edition of ASP in a Nutshell gives developers of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) a quick reference guide for looking up object usage…

Instant ASP Scripts

Active Server Pages (ASP) technology represents, in most cases, the best server-side scripting choice for intranets, extranets, and public Web sites served by Windows NT…