Computer Hardware and Electronics Books

Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 15th Edition

Upgrading and Repairing PCs is the runaway best-selling PC hardware book of all time and one of the best-selling computer books ever! This 15th Edition…

VHDL : Programming By Example

Synopsis VHDL is a leading hardware description language. This text teaches VHDL through a series of practical examples, building in complexity until the reader is…

Starter’s Guide to Verilog 2001

For undergraduate courses in Advanced Digital Logic and Advanced Digital Design in departments of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science. Introducing the Verilog HDL…

Hardware Hacking Projects for Geeks

Put a hacker in a room with a Furby for a weekend and you'll hear a conversation that's fairly one-sided in its originality. Toss in…

PC Hardware in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

A longtime favorite among PC users, the third edition of the book now contains useful information for people running either Windows or Linux operating systems.…