Tag: .NET

Expert C# Business Objects

This book is a translation of Lhotka’s industry-standard title, Visual Basic.NET Business Objects, into the language of C#. Rockford Lhotka’s ideas continue to be extremely influential in all programmer circles of any language, but most naturally it will be C# developers over the next couple of years at least who will most likely be involved in the kinds of programming projects and architectures that Lhotka discusses.

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Predefined Datatypes in C#

Here we will see the data types available in C#. Before examining the data types in C#, first we will try to understand the C# have two categories of data types. Value types and Reference types. Value type data type is that which stores the value directly in the memory. Its just like int, float and double. But reference types variables only store the reference of the memory where the actual value is.

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